Friday, June 13, 2014

DIY Ribbon hair clip holder

I love a good DIY project, which explains why I LOVE pinterest! Most of my pins never get completed by myself personally though...they just sit there on my boards waiting ever so patiently for me to finally find time for them! The school year is winding down & I hope to have plenty of time to do more projects.

Why are DIY gifts awesome you ask?
-You can be creative
-You can save a butt load of $$
-You can personalize the gift
-And the list goes on....

So, I got invited to one of my friend's daughter's 1st birthday party this week. What the heck do you get a 1 year old? Little girls have sooo many clothes, toys, etc....what do they really need? So I decided to start searching Pinterest for a simple but cute and useable gift that I could make! I stumbled upon a couple different ideas for Hair clip holders & decided to tweak them & make them my own way.

Here is what you will need:

-Wooden letter (Can be found at craft store....I actually found mine at Wal-Mart)
-Acrylic paint
-Mod Podge
-Stickers (Optional)
-Ribbon (one thick and one thin)
-Hot Glue Gun



Paint the wooden letter the color of your choice. I did three layers of paint on mine, allowing each layer to dry for 5-10 minutes before applying the next coat. (I painted the front & back of the letter)

2. Once the paint is COMPLETELY dry, I added on the cute owl stickers that I found. You could add pretty much anything flat (stickers, paint on words or stripes/dots, etc.)


 Next you want to apply a generous amount of Mod Podge to the letter. Front & back again. I did two layers & let the first layer dry completely before adding the second. 


Decide how long you want your thick ribbons to be & cut 2 of them. Mine were about 20-24 inches long. Once you have cut them, you will then hot glue them to the back of the letter. The thin ribbon is to be hot-glued to the back as a hook to hang with!

5. Add bows & your project is complete :) 

 ~I absolutely loved making this project & was pleased with out it turned out. I think I actually might back another one for one of our friends who is having a baby girl soon! For hers I am going to try Mod podging pretty scrap paper over the whole letter instead of painting! :)

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